
By May of 1990, Caradori had compiled a “Leads List” of 271 people who may have been victims, perpetrators, or witnesses, and submitted it to state and federal investigators. In June 1990, Caradori warned Schmit’s subcommittee that the FBI was "deliberately" covering up King's pedophile network. He voiced his reluctance to furnish the evidence he was amassing to the Nebraska State Patrol and FBI (as the subcommittee had ordered), because they were using it to sabotage his investigation.

Caradori also told the subcommittee that he had been trying to obtain pictures of King’s orgies. Two of the victims he interviewed mentioned a photographer named Rusty Nelson. “The pictures showed who the adults were and who the kids were. I gathered that the purpose was blackmail and it was political. The content of the pictures, and the events surrounding them, would be an instant end to a politician’s career.” “King hired me to take pictures of adults and children in compromising positions,” Nelson tells me. Rusty| Clip 1

Nelson promised Caradori incriminating photographs, and they agreed to meet in Chicago. Caradori, accompanied by his 8-year-old son A.J., flew his single-engine Piper Saratoga from Lincoln to Chicago on July 7, 1990. The mission, he said to his wife, was to meet Nelson and then go to the Major League All-Star Game with A.J.

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